Our Purpose is to further Humanism in Greater Manchester and surrounding areas. Our Objects are to:
The Purpose and Objects are taken from our constitution which was adopted at a Special General Meeting held on 12 December 2007 with subsequent amendments up to April 2016.
We have a programme of inspirational and social activities - a range of meetings and events around the area, work in schools and SACREs, as well as supporting Humanists UK in pastoral work and ceremonies. In the summer we also run ‘amble rambles’. You will be made welcome at all our meetings and activities.
Greater Manchester Humanists was founded in 1992 (though under a different name). We believe an earlier group was active in Manchester from the 1950s until the mid-1970s and we do know of a meeting in April 1965 of a group called Manchester Humanist Society. We are a Partner group of Humanists UK, affiliated to the National Secular Society and a member of the International Humanist & Ethical Union.
As Humanists, we are concerned with values and moral issues from a non-religious standpoint. Like many people in our largely secular society, we have done our best to work these out for ourselves, and are constantly re-assessing them in the light of changing circumstances. We are also actively concerned to apply our values and to work towards the achievement of a more open, just and caring society. Our meetings are open to all – membership is not required. We meet in central Manchester and Stockport. See here for details of when and where we meet.